Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Backing Sound Deconstructions


This is effective as it is a children’s nursery rhyme ‘Twinkle Tinkle’ sung by a woman in quite a high pitched voice, slowed down. This fits with the theme and context of our story and creates a scary atmosphere.


This is another twist on the children’s nursery rhyme ‘Around a Ring a Roses’ with a girl singing who has edited her voice to make it sound like a young girl’s voice. It is effective as it fits with the theme and context of our story. We could take inspiration from this by singing our own tune and editing it to make it sound like a young innocent child’s voice.


This is from the tune of the film, ‘One Missed Call’ it sounds like a child’s mobile that hangs above their crib, creating a scary atmosphere, however the pitch of the music is too harsh, the ideal music for our piece would be lower and also slightly slower.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Focus Group Questions

We gathered six people to observe three different teaser trailers, Sinister, Devil Inside and Insidious. We asked them questions and asked them to comment on the aspects they felt were the most effective, to aid us in creating our own trailer.
1. What images did you find the most disturbing and effective?
-The main evil antagonist
-Montage of scary images
-Quick succession of close up shots
2. What music did you find the most effectual?
-The slow opening eerie music
-Quick paced tension building music
-Loud bang when something happens to accompany the visual images

3. Which shots did you find made the most impact?
-Close up shots of the characters face
-Scene setting/ establishing shots
-High angle shots
4.  Which look do you think is the most appropriate for the main antagonist?
-Dark clothes, hidden face, unknown identity
-Bloody face and clothes
-Unsuspecting, normal

5. Do you prefer a trailer that gives a lot or a little insight into the story of the film?
-Just enough to gather some information about the story and the plot
-Little information but an interesting trailer
From this information we can take the answers and use them for our own trailer, it will help us to interpret an audience’s views on what a trailer should be like and use this to our advantage by including the elements they found most effective in our own piece.