Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nightdress Decostruction

Dead Silence Sound Deconstruction

Chernobyl Diaries Trailer Deconstruction

·         Camera Angles
-          Over the shoulder shot, showing landscape and destruction
-          Sudden zoom into close up shot of camera and picture on screen, dramatic
-          Handheld shot at very end, chaos, scary  
-          Very choppy, camera angles change,
-          A lot of montages, very fast, different angles
·         Editing
-          Transitions are dark and fading, almost flashing
-          Switches to different shots and scenes quickly, montage
-           Start- montage of airport, sun, Eiffel tower, landmarks, sightseeing
-          Photos of them being taken, flash snapshot, also noise of camera
·         Sound
-          Uses same siren noise on transitions, speeding up, causing dramatic suspense- relating to nuclear reactor noise, like a siren/alarm
-          “I cant leave without my brother” – Emotional effect
-           Upbeat song at the start, changes when talking about tourism trip
-          Voice over when old footage being shown, sounds very official, sad/scary
-          “are you sure were out here alone?” – Suspense… makes you want to watch film!
-          Goes quiet and eerie when child is in spotlight,
-          A lot of screaming
-          “Tell me if you see something moving in the water” – joking around, but should be serious
·         Mise En Scene
-          Children- child’s toy, child in headlights. Vulnerable
-          Contrast between the start and the end, happy at the start, scary at the end.
-          Radiation levels machine – Safe? But are they? Shown several times
·         Titles
-          “in 1986, Chernobyl reactor 4 exploded”
-          “the radiation was worse than 400 atomic bombs”
-          From creator of paranormal activity – assures us that film will be good!
-          “there not following us, their hunting us” – scary
-          “Experience” “The Fallout” “Chernobyl diaries” – three separate titles with dramatic shots in-between, keeps us engaged
-          “Coming Soon” – No date, mysterious
By Amber Mitchell