· The different type of colours like a purple dark blue in the sky then on the different side of the poster the sky is yellowy golden the contrast showing the sun coming through the clouds
· Where the girl is positioned it looks as if she has a halo type golden around her, this could reflect her looking down from heaven or her being our and innocent
· She is wearing yellow trousers, a jumper and hat, this is made to look like quite a young girl. The way she is positioned is made to look like she is walking towards the man quite boldly her face may look confused or showing anxiety but the body language does not show fear approaching him which proves to us he is not a stranger to her
· The figure of the man, dark all in black at the side suggests mysterious or a sense of fear as we cannot see him properly this contrasts what the young girl is wearing as yellow is perceived as a bright happy colour
· The setting looks as if the girl is walking through a field at winter time or early in the morning due to the purple and dark blue colours which are used juxtaposed with the yellow sun in the corner
· The difference in colour between what the man is wearing and the girl is wearing can symbolize their personality, the man could be bad, scary associated with death whereas the girl looks an average young girl wearing bright colours
· The whole title is in capital letters to stand out to the audience but the word ‘lovely’ is used in bold, this is done to stand out to the audience, the title in itself is quite strange as connotations of the word bones would be death, sadness, fear, so to put it next to the word lovely intrigues the audience, so to emphasise this even more they have made the typography different.
· The tag line ‘ the story of a life and everything after it’ this is portraying to the audience that it’s not just the death that is the main event but the aftermath that other people have to deal with once a ,loved one has died and how that is equally traumatic
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